Simply Murano Blog

Entries tagged with: PRIZE DRAW NEWS

Winter Prize Draw Winner Announced

12 December 2017  |  FILED IN PRIZE DRAW NEWS

We're pleased to announce that Mrs L Pascoe from Exeter is the winner of our Winter Prize Draw. Mrs Pascoe wins a Chiara necklace. If you have already entered our Prize Draw, there's no need to re-enter as you are automatically included in our next draw.…

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Prize Draw Winner December 2015

14 December 2015  |  FILED IN PRIZE DRAW NEWS

We are pleased to announce that Mrs Louise White of Suffolk is the Winner of our last Prize Draw for 2015.  Mrs White wins a Gianna necklace which will arrive in time for Christmas.Here is the necklace that Mrs White has won: you have entered our Pr…

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Winter Prize Draw Winner

21 February 2015  |  FILED IN PRIZE DRAW NEWS

We are pleased to announce that Mr S Wiltshire of Bedfordshire is the winner of the Simply Murano Winter Prize Draw.Mr Wiltshire wins an Allegra necklace and has told us he will gift the necklace to his partner.Here is the Allegra Necklace won in this Prize DrawIf you have entered the Prize Draw either through this web…

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Autumn Prize Draw Winner

17 November 2014  |  FILED IN PRIZE DRAW NEWS

We are pleased to announce that Mrs K Johnson of Solihull, West Midlands was the winner of the Simply Murano Autumn Prize Draw.Mrs Johnson asked to 'stay in the background', and we are more than happy to respect this request, but all Prize Draw winners are welcome to send us in a picture of themselves wearing t…

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